The REPLACE project is aimed at advancing the European Union’s energy, climate, environmental, economic, and social goals by promoting the gradual replacement of inefficient and outdated heating and cooling systems with renewable systems.

Support for Consumers to Implement Efficient and Sustainable Heating Systems

REPLACE ran from October 2019 to April 2023.

ESCAN’s Participation in the Project.

    • Awareness campaign to promote the use of renewable energy in buildings and homes.
    • Inventory of the residential heating systems market.
    • Case studies on the replacement of heat generation equipment to use biomass.
    • Tool – Biomass Heating System Calculator.
    • How to Accelerate the Energy Transition?


    Reports, results, and manuals can be downloaded at:

    Projects Reports


    Online event about the REPLACE tool to change towards renewable heating system

    March, 14th the online event in which explanations about how to use REPLACE calculator tool will be celebrated EREN organises with Escan...

    Efficient and climate-friendly heat in European homes. REPLACE Project

    The REPLACE final conference and market situation in European regions will take place on 21 March in Brussels. Its purpose is to...

    REBI installs 100% renewable heating and hot water

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    How to escape high fossil fuel prices and end import dependency

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    The European project REPLACE meets objectives

    The Spanish partners EREN and Escan promote the use of biomass in buildings and homes, replacing fossil fuels. Through the collaboration...


    World Sustainable Energy Days! Wels, Austria From April 5 to 8 and with the presence of 60 countries and more than 650 participants, key...

    REPLACE offers a notebook of good practices

    REPLACE offers a notebook of good practices with examples of replacing inefficient heating systems with environmentally friendly...

    Efficient heating and air conditioning systems based on renewable energy

    The Project on HC system replacement campaigns starts REPLACE project aims to improve coordination in local networks to implement...

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 847087. The sole responsibility for the content of the official website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union or Escan. Neither CINEA, nor the European Commission, nor Escan are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


    Avenida de Ferrol 14, Bajo 3
    28029, Madrid


    Phone: +34 913 232 643