Since October the Facilita project (‘Facilitating Ambitious Energy Renovation of Public Buildings through Integrated Services in Spain’) starts with the aim to promote the energy renovation of public buildings. The project focuses its activities on three Spanish regions: Extremadura, Madrid and Valencia and a One-Stop-Shop (OSS) will be set up to provide local and regional authorities with a full range of services.

The Facilita project team met in Valencia to officially launch the project.

Coordinated by the Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación (IVE), the Facilita consortium is made up of five partners at national level: the Agencia Extremeña de la Energía (Agenex), the energy efficiency consultancy ESCAN, B.Link, CREARA Consultants and Ideas For Change (IFC) and the European Federation of Energy and Environment Agencies and Regions (Fedarene). It is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union through the LIFE-2023-CET-OSS call. The aim of the project is to promote the energy retrofitting of public buildings through the creation of regional one-stop-shops that will provide local and regional authorities with a full range of services including technical, financial and legal support, as well as procurement assistance and quality assurance to facilitate the retrofitting of public buildings owned by regional governments, provincial councils and town councils. A toolkit will also be developed that can be replicated in other EU regions, encouraging their adoption and mainstreaming. It is envisaged to give authorities the capacity to refurbish their public building stock, unlocking significant investments, boosting renewable energy generation, improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.