Looking back on two successful days of updates, great discussions and reflections at our progress meeting in Spain last week. All project partners came together to exchange the latest developments and innovations, pushing #KNOWnNEBs to the next stage to increase the uptake of energy audits! A big thank you to Escan energy consultancy at this point, who was our great host and welcomed us in their beautiful city. Also special thanks to our guest speaker Jekabs Endzins for his useful contribution and interesting presentation. Perhaps as important as the meeting itself: social meetings, where we grow together as a team and discuss project details that may never have been thought of in the meeting room. #lifeproject #lifeprogramme #EU2050 #energytransition #nonenergybenefits Ekodoma Ltd; Budapest University of Technology and Economics; Institute of Systems and Robotics – Intelligent Energy Systems; CHAMBER OF INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS IN BULGARIA; e7 energy innovation engineering; The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE); Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)