El Pacto de alcaldes (European Convenant of Majors) y los socios del proyecto Smart EPC, Ayto. de Murcia, Ayto de Rivas Vaciamadrid y Escan consultores energéticos, tienen el agrado de invitarle a este evento online el 18 de diciembre de 10:00 y 12:00 horas.
In this webinar we’ll explore Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) and how it empowers local authorities to enhance energy efficiency across their municipality without the need for upfront investment.
This is made possible thanks to the cooperation with Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) who fund and implement energy efficiency projects, and are repaid through the resulting savings costs.
For this webinar, the Covenant of Mayors is partnerning up with the Smart EPC project (H2020), to offer tailored guidance to two key audiences: Covenant signatories who will learn how to plan and generate revenue through their EPC arrangement; and Covenant coordinators, supporters and ESCOs who will discover how to support local authorities in this process, including training on standardised contractual documentation.
Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to learn how EPC’s can help your municipality achieve its sustainability goals in a smart and cost-effective way!
Date & Time: 18.12.2024 – 10:00 – 12:00 CET
Registrarse en https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CoM_SmartEPC_registration-form